Some people think in order to continually improve the quality of education, high school students should be encouraged to evaluate and criticize their teachers. Others feel that this would result in a loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

With agreeable to the order of the day, it is inevitable to find ways to improve
, whereas some individuals claim that adolescents of secondary schools should evaluate their instructors so as to develop the standard of teaching, others contend that
might create indiscipline in classrooms and might be regarded as a way of disrespect. I, too, wholeheartedly feel that children do not have the proper ability to evaluate their respected supervisors. Inasmuch as students have to spend time with their teachers for a long time, they can easily figure out the strengths and weaknesses of those tutors, facilitating them to judge a teacher’s capability smoothly.
In other words
, high
children help their institutes to improve the quality of
provided that they notified the
management about different aspects of a tutor,
as cooperativeness, punctuality, understanding, to name but a few.
For example
, Singapore has improved its
standard remarkably by assessing tutors from high
students’ evaluation sheets.
, pupils of high
should be inspired to criticize their professors effectively in order to increase their
quality. Plausible though pupils of secondary schools have the ability to understand right and wrong, and to judge other people, it is worth arguing that they should not evaluate their supervisors' performance.
is because it is a way to show disrespect and angriness to professors. As well as that down to having an opportunity to stay about schoolteachers, juveniles will be divided into many groups, causing many indisciplines in schools.
For instance
, in India, one student is killed brutally in the washroom because he said negative things about a favourite teacher of many.
, it would not be a good idea to take comments from pupils about educators. In conclusion, admittedly, high
students can evaluate their teachers but biased opinions can create problems.
, I unequivocally buttress the stand of not evaluating teachers by students.
Submitted by shawlin90 on

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