Currently, increasing numbers of tourists are heading to places like the Antarctic or the Sahara desert, which is generally avoided even by the locals because of its harsh terrain.
essay attempts to explain the usefulness and the drawbacks to the visitors who decide to make Linking Words
environmentally hostile places their destination for a vacation.
On the one hand, parcels of the globe which are hard to navigate on the best of days are not very expensive to visit. Tour agents would find it difficult to sell these destinations to the average population and so they cannot afford to price them very high. Linking Words
, only those who have an adventurous spirit and a fit body would even consider going to these places to spend their holiday. Linking Words
For instance
, the whole package of 10-12 days of travel, stay and adventure activities involved will cost around 10,000 USD per person. Most people would consider that dirt cheap, especially if they have an adventure on their minds.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, the risks involved in visiting Linking Words
spots are high, so much so that a little mistake could jeopardise the life of all the people involved, not just of the person who made the blunder. Linking Words
For example
, the Sahara has expanses of sand dunes, all of which look the same. In the event of an unexpected sand storm, the whole landscape gets rearranged and if perchance one has lost one's compass, Linking Words
the chances of survival are slim. Linking Words
, in the Antarctic, if a serious injury is sustained Linking Words
the risk to life to oneself Linking Words
in addition
to slowing down the company will outweigh the joy of adventure and make the vacation very undesirable and highly risky. Linking Words
, while the destinations themselves are not expensive, the cost of the gear required to spend a couple of weeks in Linking Words
terrains is definitely prohibitive.
In conclusion, while difficult tourist destinations like the desert of Sahara or the ice fields of the Antarctic might be comparatively cheap and may tug at the hearts of adventurous spirits, the risks involved are very high and individuals would have to be prepared to take their chances before committing to go there, even if it is for a few days.Linking Words
Leena Kapoor