Some people think that robots are important for human’s future development. Others think that robots have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

In recent years,
are heavily adapted to advanced technologies and it has become an integral part of life.
are considered to be one of the greatest innovations of mankind. Certain individuals believe that they are harmful to
while some stratum of society argue that they are crucial for the future. I personally believe that robotics is a positive development for the world.
To begin
with, some people assert that these techno-savvy machines can endanger human life.
is because
are not emotionally intelligent to distinguish what set of operations are right or wrong; which can have a detrimental effect. To illustrate, a recent accident involving a Telsa electric car that killed two people points fingers at its autonomous driving feature.
, these
running on a specific algorithm are in the early stage of development that can be exposed to hacking.
For instance
, if these machines are employed in the banking sector, there is a high probable chance of account hacking and other fraudulent activities.
On the other hand
, benefits derived from the invention of
are significant for the development of the future. Most importantly, these automated machines can be deployed in places that are hazardous to
For example
, a robot called Mini-Manbo has become the central part of the cleaning-up process in the damaged Fukushima reactor, where it is dangerous for
to execute these tasks.
, the heavy automation by
in the automobile industry and hazardous chemical plants has reduced stress on employee’s health and increased productivity and precision in these sectors. In conclusion,
, some argue that
can be potentially life-threatening and cannot be considered safe to be employed in various industries
as banking, I strongly believe that they can bring a positive change for the future.
Submitted by jerinjohn17 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Automation
  • Technological advancements
  • Workforce displacement
  • Ethical considerations
  • Innovation
  • Labor market
  • Safety protocols
  • Machine learning
  • Human-robot interaction
  • Economic impact
  • Job creation
  • Cybersecurity
  • Autonomous
  • Precision
  • Dependency
  • Regulation
  • Risk assessment
  • Adaptation
  • Unemployment
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