Modern society is becoming more concerned about the increase in juvenile crime. What do you think is the cause of the increase in juvenile crime? What solutions can you suggest?

More people are concerned about the increasing number of young individuals committing crimes. From my perspective,
phenomenon stems from consumer culture and advancements in the Internet.
To begin
, materialism has shrunk parents' available time to care for their
because they need to work and pay for their expenditures. In the past, in most families, only fathers worked outside and mothers looked after their kids and did some chores.
, mothers could stay with and teach their adolescents.
, another possibility is the fragmentation of the local community. In the past, parents could seek assistance from their neighbours to look after their
now they often leave them unsupervised on the Internet. With the advancements of the Internet, rather than playing with neighbours,
tend to engage in online communication,
as social networking sites, which makes it easier for them to connect with ex-convicts.
For example
, a statistical report has shown a dramatic increase in the number of burglary cases involving naive students, operated by local gang groups.
, one of the most effective solutions will be financial aid for parents who have kids. If each family is assured that they have enough money to live, they wouldn't need to get additional jobs.
of sacrificing their precious time to work overtime, they could teach their
. One good example is my mother, who has spent 20 years working a part-time job to earn money for our family and pay monthly expenses
as housing, food, and clothes.
In addition
, creating an online association for juvenile groups hosted by the municipality can help resolve the problem.
For instance
, managing a virtual forum can help community members monitor suspicious behaviours and deter
from making friends with criminals.
To conclude
, there are explicit reasons why we see increased crime among young people, but financial support from the government and a new type of local community could be solutions to improve the situation.
Submitted by lenam2k1 on

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