Owing to the variety of crimes, it is common practice to put a convicted person in prison. A section of society often argued that all the criminals are not similar, and
, harsh statement for everyone is unfair. Linking Words
, they outline unpaid community work as punishment for mild offenders. I partially agree with Linking Words
notion as I Linking Words
believe a long sentence is required to deter Linking Words
Apparently, providing welfare work to lawbreakers holds a wide range of constructive benefits. Use synonyms
To begin
with, young persons usually indulge in Linking Words
due to peer pressure and lack of parental guidance, and by providing community work, management can indulge moral value's with them. Use synonyms
As a result
, it can help to re-offend crimes. Linking Words
, not all offences have been committed under the same circumstances and all the criminals are not violent. Linking Words
For instance
: some people act offence in self-defence and they are not aggressive by nature. They deserve a chance to prove themself. Linking Words
, a large number of prisoners in jail is costly and put a burden on the government.
Linking Words
, imprisonment is beneficial to alleviate Linking Words
rates as it is more deterrent if everyone knows the consequence of the misdeed they commit. Along with that, offenders are deterred by long sentences and there will be no chance a criminal could save by proving himself innocent with a good defence attorney. To illustrate:- sometimes a rich criminal who commits a heinous Use synonyms
Use synonyms
as miss laughter, molestation can get off with the help of a corrupted legal system but fear of prison life can prevent slipping through loopholes in the law.
To conclude, The objective of the law is to maintain peace in society, not to punish people. Linking Words
unpaid community service is a great option to let some convicted lament their Linking Words
and do something good for society.Use synonyms