Some people say that in all levels of education, from primary schools to universities, too much time is spent on learning facts and not enough on practical skills. Do you agree or disagree?

It is argued by some people that the teaching system from schooling to college has only theoretical information, and not practical exposure. I agree with the statement. I would like to put up my points on it.
, the school has various subjects in each standard. They do not focus on individual skills
as communication, and critical thinking.
For example
, toddlers are told to remember alphabets, spelling at an early age
of working on their phonics. As they grow and study at higher standards, it becomes extremely difficult to grasp and tedious for them. Because they have a habit of learning things in the wrong way and it creates hurdles to change them at a later age.
As a result
, They lose interest in studying.
, university education consists of 4 to 5 years where college students hope to learn new skills which will help them to build a career in the proper way
, after their graduation, they find trouble in getting jobs. For an instance, during campus interviews, some students are not even able to crack the interviews. Companies do not find candidates as per the job description. During that time, It shows the real difference between companies' demand and the education which they have conceived. Students are not taught how to crack the interviews, type of questions and all these should be discussed at the beginning of the college so they can start preparing and work on them.
, many of them remain jobless. Some divert their career despite having spent these many years in study and money as they lose their faith. In conclusion, at an early age, kids should be taught communication skills that bring interest automatically in their higher education.
, university pupils should focus on their practical approach which benefits them in the longer run.
Submitted by rishu1210 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • rote memorization
  • practical skills
  • adaptable skills
  • critical thinking
  • balanced approach
  • problem-solving
  • decision-making
  • workforce readiness
  • real-life challenges
  • technological advancements
  • information management
  • creativity hindrance
  • lifelong learning
  • skill development
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