In today's world, one fundamental problem is the one in regard to the environment. There is a debate, one group believes that the extinction of especial living organs is the most important matter, while others think there are other issues which are more significant. I agree with the
There is no doubt that losing some specific animals or plantations can cause serious problems and should be prevented. Linking Words
In other words
, Linking Words
will lead to an unbalanced life cycle. Linking Words
For example
, if a certain wild animal becomes extinct, there are no other species to hunt some harmful predators, Linking Words
as mouses, Linking Words
they will damage the ecosystem. Linking Words
, with the diminishing of some vegetations soil erosion will become significant and Linking Words
can be dangerous for habitats of all creatures.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, there are some environmentalists, and I agree with them, who believe there are other urgent environmental issues. Linking Words
, they say the amount of pollution in nature is increasing and that can endanger all the planet. Linking Words
, cutting trees and deforestation by humans in order to make a civil life and for farming is destroying the environment. Linking Words
, the usage of un-recyclable materials is damaging all aspects of nature. Linking Words
For instance
, making furniture and equipment for a living, not only is destroying natural resources but Linking Words
is producing a lot of wastes that will not recycle.
In conclusion, Linking Words
saving endangered animals and plants is an essential matter, in my opinion, there are more crucial environmental concerns.Linking Words