Recently, there has been an emerging of many other teaching methods far from the conventional ones.
As a result
, debates have been raised over the eminence and appropriateness of each approach. From my perspective, each method has its merit to students and the combination of both should be considered to maximize the outcome in teaching.
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To begin
with, numerous scientific courses are beneficial when being organized experientially. Biology and physics are some prominent topics that require the understanding of a learner. Linking Words
, an engagement session should include some experiments so that students can be involved to understand thoroughly the matter. Linking Words
For instance
, absorbing the phenomenon in some physics fields will help the information be embedded longer in the brain because undergraduates can directly perform procedures. Linking Words
, experiential learning allows performers to realize some erroneous parts during the practical session. Linking Words
, Linking Words
would tremendously contribute to the avoidance of making the same errors in the long run.
On the one hand, the conventional teaching method still maintains its staple in some specific cases Linking Words
as literature and history. These subjects were proved to be dependent upon the tone and the initial approach of teachers for the assimilation of knowledge. A teacher-led method during literary periods can Linking Words
be exhilarating when a teacher knows how to engage learners in the matter and provoke their creativity. Linking Words
For example
, during kindergartens, when most of the learners are premature to perform a student-centred methodology, guidance from teachers will enhance the imagination in students in knowing the characters profoundly. Linking Words
, when some historical events are arduous to re-experience inside the classroom module, the tone of professors could be a catalyst to help juniors relive in those moments.
To conclude, each aspect of teaching has its benefit, while teaching with experience helps scholars remember in a long term with natural subjects, some social subjects are still in need of the voice of a teacher. These methods should not be put on any pedestals because they are both prominent to humankind.Linking Words