In the future, more people will choose to go on holiday in their own country and not travel abroad on holiday. Do you agree or disagree?

There is a trend that
like to spend on vacations in their own country rather than visiting abroad and some believe
will be increased even more in the future and I support
statement since the entire
is now facing a global pandemic situation. Nowadays, whenever
get a holiday, they tend to explore beauty with their family often. Technology has made travelling across the
so convenient and secure. You can easily find the tourist-friendly locations, accommodation and transportation costs for the entire trip by surfing through the internet.
In addition
, there are plenty of travel packages and agencies are available to customize your trip
. On the day, you only have to pack and go which is really hassle-free and comfortable to enjoy any place across the
For instance
, if you take the leading travelling websites like "Findmyfare," you can plan your trip day by day by entering your basic need and they will create a holiday plan to even pay online.
travelling abroad has started to become popular, with the "Corona Virus" situation the entire
has declared international travel restrictions and
are subjected to stay at home.
trend has been now reduced and
started to enjoy inside their own country.
, it has been predicted,
will not be changed in the future as well since there are a lot of other concerns are
rely on
. As an example, due to the impact of ,
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pandemic the air fair has risen a lot and it is been considered that crossing borders are just a necessity rather than spending leisure time. By considering these limitations it is obvious to conclude on the fact by agreeing that
will spend their holidays inside the country rather than visiting a foreign land due to the unbearable cost and the pandemic crisis.
Submitted by shehaniheshi2 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • domestic tourism
  • international travel
  • cultural exchange
  • national pride
  • affordability
  • convenience
  • ecotourism
  • heritage sites
  • local businesses
  • comfort zone
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