Car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that many cities in the world are now 'one big traffic jam'. What is your opinion regarding this statement? What measures can government take to discourage people from using their cars?

One of the more prominent problems we are facing today is traffic congestion, which is apparent in many cities across the globe. Some argue that the major cause is the number of car ownership which has rapidly increased over the past three decades. In my opinion, I agree with the statement and, in
essay, I will attempt to
explain the statement as well as to suggest a few feasible measures to deal with the problem. Undeniably, the increase in the number of privately owned cars has directly contributed to the unpleasant traffic conditions in many cities. To
trend, using private cars has some advantages
as higher security, more privacy, and more convenience, all of which entice people to own a personal automobile.
For instance
, it is much more convenient for parents to take their kids to school using a private car than to have to wait for a bus by the streetside. To address the problem, there are a few measures that can be practical: improving the public transportation system and increasing the amount of annual automobile registration fee.
, a feasible approach any government can take is to improve the infrastructure, particularly the public transports, as
will encourage auto owners to leave their cars at home.
For example
, if the various public transports offer lower prices, greater accessibility, higher safety, and better punctuality, the public will certainly be more inclined to rely less on personal vehicles.
, higher annual automobile registration fees will
help discourage personal vehicle usage. To put
into perspective, a plethora of personal vehicles are owned by those in the middle-class segment;
means that a significant increase in their annual expense will certainly affect them and cause them to reconsider using a private vehicle. In conclusion, it is apparent that one of the main causes of global traffic congestion is the mass influx of car ownership. Fortunately, there are certain approaches that the state can take to relieve the crisis.
Submitted by jtarasit on

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