Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future such as science and technology. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

It is considered that individuals should make their own
choices in higher institutions while others think they should only be made to take courses that are useful. I will discuss both ideas and give my own opinion in
essay. On one hand, I think pupils should be allowed to make their own decision of university
because they get to pick what they have passion for.
That is
to say, when
venture into a
they are not forced into and have full interest in, they tend to excel more in that path as they devote all their attention and mind to it.
For example
, a popular music star named Johny freeze was forced by his parents to
medicine but when he got to
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university, he switched to the Department of Music and today he is a famous and successful musician.
, youngsters should be allowed to
whatever they want so their potentials can be fully maximized.
On the other hand
, some
feel that children should
what is perceived to be needed in the future like science and technology so they can have relevance in the forthcoming demand of
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That is
, the world is growing fast into the age of technology and individuals with technological skills will be needed when
, pupils should be made to go into
line of a
in other to be relevant in time coming.
For instance
, bankers are now being replaced by mobile apps and ATMs lately, so choosing banking as a subject in the university is seemingly not necessary.
is why some
think students should
what is thought to be trending and needful. To conclude, even though most
think that useful subjects should be chosen for students, I believe they should be made to choose by they can go into what they really love and desire as they tend to do great by so doing.
Submitted by Emmanuelodachi on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • foster
  • engagement
  • excel
  • innovative contributions
  • diversity in research
  • well-rounded education
  • broad perspectives
  • critical thinking skills
  • mental well-being
  • burnout
  • forced academic paths
  • job-ready
  • skills shortages
  • tech-driven economy
  • employment rates
  • changing job market
  • utilitarian subjects
  • aptitudes
  • wasting talent
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