There are various museums that ask for entrance fees, whereas others do not. In
essay, I will be discussing both benefits and drawbacks of admission charges for visitors before arriving at a conclusion and opinion.
On the one hand, imposing a fee in museums are advantageous. To start with, these can be used not only for the physical maintenance of the place but Linking Words
for its improvement. If an art exhibit charges a certain amount to its goers, the incoming Linking Words
will be allocated for the payment of utility bills Use synonyms
as electricity, water, and rental. Linking Words
, the latest advancements to enhance the overall appearance of the place, Linking Words
as better lighting and sound systems, can be purchased with ease. Linking Words
In addition
, admission fees can cover the salary that leads to the sustainability of employees. As long as there is an inflow of Linking Words
, there is an assurance of continuous work.
Use synonyms
On the other hand
, Linking Words
case only caters to the privileged. There are individuals who cannot afford to spend their hard-earned Linking Words
on leisure. Use synonyms
For instance
, “Art in Island” in the Philippines, which is a popular three-dimensional art museum among the Filipinos, charges approximately Php500 per head as an entrance fee. Linking Words
As a result
, those below the poverty line, whose Linking Words
is just enough for basic necessities, cannot get a glimpse of the different forms of artwork. Another disadvantage with regard to charging is the risk of closing. Use synonyms
is because destinations that charge are generally visited by fewer visitors.
In conclusion, it is beneficial to charge admission fees to museum-goers because it covers not only the maintenance of the place but Linking Words
the welfare of its employees. Linking Words
, there are certain negative impacts to it Linking Words
as the increased risk of closure as well as not being available for the masses. I personally believe that these benefits outweigh the drawbacks because Linking Words
they can support the finances of museums.Add a comma