Nowadays, self-employed people can be considered a trend, and are interested in many new graduates. Due to how they prefer to be their own bosses over someone else, it is predicted that the number of workers in the company might decrease.
essay will discuss the reason and the disadvantages of being Linking Words
self employed
The main motivation why people choose to work on their own is freedom. While being an officer needs to depend on the employer all the time, being a freelancer does not. In short, being a freelancer is able to rely on oneself at choosing a suitable and effective style of working, workplace, or even schedule. It can be seen that these kinds of actions are very different from those in an organization. Add a hyphen
For example
, in the company, many employees often repeat their routine every day. Linking Words
, freelancer provides a more stressless timeline compared to working in a company.
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On the other hand
, individual working Linking Words
has some disadvantages. Linking Words
of all, it could be considered that Linking Words
kind of occupation does not provide any communication between people, so it leads to a lack of socialization. Making decisions, completing tasks, and brainstorming ideas, these duties came from just a person, unlike in an organisation’s procedures. Linking Words
, self-employers are not paid any salaries, Linking Words
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they receive money as wages, which means they would not get the same amount of income every month. Add a comma
, the two main disadvantages of being an individual worker are less connection and risky income.
In conclusion, an individual employed job has both positive and negative sides depending on the perspectives. In my opinion, I believe that there is no right or wrong, and every person has their own lifestyle, so whatever they do for life is based on their conceptions.Linking Words