It is argued by some that the
of many Use synonyms
is the major issue that harms the environment, while others consider the impact of recurring other environmental problems to be more vital. Use synonyms
the latter view can be true to some extent, in my opinion, the former view is more reasonable.
On the one hand, it is believed that other environmental problems Linking Words
as natural disasters and global warming are worth considering on account of some reasons. Linking Words
, the frequency and severity of hurricanes, tsunamis, and blizzards have destroyed many people's lives, houses and caused a huge amount of damage. Linking Words
For instance
, the volcanic eruption in Japan destroyed the land and the facilities there and cost a major huge amount of money to fix the infrastructure, aid the victims and recover the economy. Linking Words
, global warming is Linking Words
a serious issue that needs more attention since its implications are irreversible. In fact, it is challenging for humans to address the consequences Linking Words
as ice melting and ozone layer depletion caused by the earth’s rising temperature.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, I hold a firm belief that the Linking Words
of different animals and plants is more harmful than the aforementioned issues because of the significantly rising number of endangered Use synonyms
in the Use synonyms
decade. To elaborate, the disappearance of several animals and plants in the wild will lead to a loss in the food chain that can lead to the other animals being endangered Linking Words
as causing devastating chain reactions with other wild animal Linking Words
and people. Use synonyms
can be exemplified by the case of the Linking Words
of some insectivorous birds, which result in the increasing number of harmful insects damaging the crops and the natural habitats of other Use synonyms
. In the long run, human beings can Use synonyms
be affected by the imbalance in the ecosystem, threatening humans’ survival.
In conclusion, I accept that other environmental problems Linking Words
as natural disasters and global warming can cause serious damage to nature, yet I still strongly believe that the Linking Words
of the fauna and flora is a more worrying problem in the contemporary time since it has direct effects on the human lives in the long term.Use synonyms