Now-a-days many people choose to be self-employed, rather than work for a company. Why might this be the case? What could be the disadvantage of being self-employed?

In Today’s economy, there is a trend among people to perform for self rather than to get employed by other’s company. Most of the generation prefers to do efforts for them as it satisfies their dream. Working in an institution can help in achieving your needs of a suitable life
that is
a company can pay off well according to your profile and role. The sad part of working for others is one have to work according to their requirement.
For example
, if a company wants you to come on Saturday or Sunday, you must oblige
in spite of whether you have some other engagements with your family.
sometimes leads to dissatisfaction amongst employees.
can be the one reason for choosing self-employment. There are some other issues
of being associated with others.
For example
, you could not be well paid as per your calibre which means it is possible that your organization pays you less
of your hard performance and others may get higher pay due to being at the top of the manager’s list for some personal reason. Because of the above issues, people today want to work for themselves. Working for self can be satisfactory,
, of
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there are some demerits attached to
. For having your own business you must have sufficient financial support or strong financial background. There are cases where people start their own business but later on due to financial limitations they have to shut their businesses.
one must need the patience to get success in your doings as there are struggles in the initial period when you start your business. To conclude, definitely there are some issues with working for own but we cannot deny the fact that many of the young generations are so well determined and hard work that they prefer their own startups.
Submitted by BHAWNATOMAR28 on

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