Many museums charge for admission while others are free. Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages?

Museums play an inevitable role in the society as it exhibits the history of the country which helps the younger generations to learn about their living place. I believe that most of the buildings charge an entry price which is certain as it could manage the daily expenses.
, placing an entry fee would help the people to have more responsibility towards the cleanliness of the ambience which is a must for bringing more tourists into the country.
contributes more income to the government as it
increases the economy of the nation.
, everyone should provide extra value and respect to their own belongings which are
their duty to keep them safe.
In addition
to that,museums can run smoothly as the contributions from the visitors may help them to meet the daily expenses.
For example
, getting a certain amount can make authorities
Fix the infinitive
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pay the utility bills which may help them to run smoothly.
,it is not possible to deny the demerits of it. To start with it,
may be difficult for the low-income community as they struggle to meet their daily living expenses. Considering the fact that,even though if they want to explore any sort of historical places or building, they think twice before stepping forward because of their financial difficulties.
For example
may not be possible for daily earners like fishermen, cleaners etc and single income holders as well.
, from their perspective, admission fee is not a good idea for everyone in a society. To conclude, even though, there are many disadvantages, it is definitely worth it to charge a nominal fee for visiting a gallery as
is an inevitable part of the country and
helps them to preserve its valuable information.
Submitted by jissuneesh on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Admission fee
  • Revenue stream
  • Maintenance
  • Overcrowding
  • Commercialization
  • Cultural heritage
  • Diverse attendance
  • Community ownership
  • Access to culture
  • Visitor experience
  • Exhibit quality
  • Cultural mission
  • Reliance on funding
  • Government subsidies
  • Cultural accessibility
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