Not all drivers obey the laws while driving on roads?What are the reasons for this?What can be done to fix this problem?

In today’s world, the issue that many drivers breaking the rules when driving has aroused
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trend is caused trend caused by several reasons and societies can take steps to mitigate these potential problems. There are two primary reasons why the rule-breaking on roads is happening.
, many individuals have the impulsiveness of inherited tendencies which is the result of the lack of education and detrimental effects of society. In fact, certain people are against wearing the head safety attire as for them,
is a burden to endure and cause them more inconvenience and unfashionable while they are riding.
, the overuse of drugs and alcohol lead the drivers
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unable to stay conscious while driving and have the mentality to follow the rules.
, insecurity and turmoil may happen unexpectedly for pedestrians and fellow travellers.
, there are concrete steps that can be taken to prevent trafficking hazards. One of the ways is that the government needs to raise awareness of education for
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about traffic safety and schools should broaden student’s horizons about the negative influence of traffic accidents.
, it does little to address the root causes of misbehaviour.
, governments need to impose a high tax on alcoholic drinks and strict punishment for infractions, even imprisoning repeat offenders as a powerful deterrent. As discussed above, being aware of
problem is not enough society must
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part to minimize the potential risks while driving and
issue can be resolved by updating traffic laws and rules being compulsory for every individual and imposing exceptionally harsh penalties.
Submitted by nguyenthuytien1609 on

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