The average standard of people's health is likely to be lower in the future than it is now. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience..

Opinions are divided as to whether a healthy lifestyle on people’s existence is going to be lower than it used to be in the future. In my opinion, I completely agree that various factors would certainly change them to be unhealthier. There are many reasons why I argue against an increase in the standard of being healthy in the
decades or centuries. In today’s world, more households have been spending their spare
too much on their technological devices
as smartphones, televisions or even their own computers without awareness of the excessive weight or the absence of their beneficial habits.
could adversely lead to an effect on physical problems, not only in adults but
their children who are one worried most.
For example
, staring at screens and consoles for long times would negatively impact their strain on eyesight and
more idle
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to go exercise at gym,fitness or even doing outdoor activities.
, a tendency that modern populations rely on convenient facilities and automated machines to serve them nothing to do themselves has grown rapidly especially among people in big cities.
For instance
, some households opted to use washing machines to wash their plates easily since many mothers can take
to do work or think that it is a waste of
. Adversely,
overlooked chore can facilitate them to exercise undoubtedly. Another factor is that working men are more likely to be concerned about their busy work than being a healthy person or keeping in shape by eating
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foods. Due to their lack of
to choose dishes that
Add a missing verb
are full
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of nutritious and vitamins, especially fast food which is the most popular choice to opt
Change preposition
for amongst
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youngsters and mature people In conclusion, as various factors can cause many people to gain an unhealthy lifestyle, I strongly believe that in the future these aspects could make the existing problems worsen and minimise the average standard of their health.
Submitted by Preawlinz on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • 1. Standard of health
  • 2. Average
  • 3. Lower
  • 4. Future
  • 5. Aging population
  • 6. Chronic diseases
  • 7. Sedentary lifestyle
  • 8. Lack of exercise
  • 9. Poor dietary habits
  • 10. Environmental pollution
  • 11. Technological advancements
  • 12. Impact on health
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