Some people argue that all experimentation on animals is bad and should be outlawed. However, others believe that important scientific discoveries can be made from animal experiments. Can experimentation on animals be justified? Are there any alternatives?

Animal experiments have offered major scientific achievements, but
hurt the species used for the studies. There are several opinions for both sides: in favour of prohibiting
type of investigation and the opposite.
, experimenting with animals should be banned?
essay will examine arguments that support the practice, but
alternatives to it. Scientists have benefited from diverse industries and
society based on
kind of research. On the one hand, the beauty industry is one of the firsts to obtain a positive impact on animal experimentation,
for instance
when testing and approving the products before human use.
, beauty companies are available to decide what products to launch or not, preventing public demands or accusations related to affecting customer health, or side effects after their products' application.
On the other hand
, medicine has improved over the years thanks to animal experimentation. Vaccines and pills have commonly been a previous trial on these living beings,
the impact is massively contributing to mitigate diseases and human death rates; an example is the COVID vaccine, a major discovery for the whole world. Over the
years, animal-free testing has sounded around laws and
publicity campaigns so that there exist other options in regards to
the costs could be risen for practising with alternative research, as
for example
much more investment in technology, animals would be safe. Technology efforts have created prototypes for scientific investigations that are ready to replace animal experimentation.
In addition
, there exist individuals offering their services as testers and accept the risks of the studies while the gains are attractive. In conclusion, experiments with animals are justified by the positive impact for industries and individuals over the years,
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the practice could be reduced by the different alternatives that technology is finding and lawyers regulate the norms regarded to it.
Submitted by mariana.ramos0302 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • scientific breakthroughs
  • ethical concerns
  • alternatives
  • animal testing
  • moral implications
  • ethical considerations
  • vivisection
  • research methods
  • ethical dilemmas
  • animal welfare
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