Some people think the government should increase the cost of fuel for cars and other vehicles in order to solve environmental problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree.

It is true that traffic emissions are a major cause of air pollution problems . Some people believe that in order to fight
issue, the authority should raise the prices of fuel . In my opinion , I totally agree with
view and believe that
approach can be an effective solution to reduce air pollution problems.
approach encourages individuals to drive only when needed which will undoubtedly decrease the emission of gases . To put it simply , If the prices of gasoline increase , consumers will become demotivated to use vehicles in their daily life activities and tend to practice physical activities which is a clean habit for the environment .
For instance
of driving cars or taking public transportations , individuals will prefer to bike a bicycle or walking for the purpose of going to their works and studies .
That is
approach can be a useful solution for decrease people dependence on gasoline .
, raising the cost of oil can encourage companies to opt for clean alternative sources of power . Even if the prices of fuel become higher , the consumption of
source of power is still higher in the industry fields .
, they will think seriously to start using other types of energy
as solar and renewable sources which remain valuable alternatives for industries and do not affect negatively the environment . In conclusion , I strongly believe that the fuel price increase can help the government to combat the problem of vehicle emissions because it discourages the use of vehicles and encourages consumers to use clean alternative sources of energy .
Submitted by elgalalafatimazahra on

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