There is a statement that children should be able to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong at a tender age.
, many people suggest that
is instrumental in educating them about
discrepancy. In my opinion, I strongly agree with the idea of using retribution as a method of teaching the minor.
essay will give the reasons and the benefits of punishing toddlers as well as provide an appropriate approach to them.
Infants' minds are impressionable.
, they are easily influenced by other people's actions and incline to imitate those actions.
, if we say "papa" multiple times, they will try to repeat it. If we kick a ball, a child will do the same action on its instinct.
, unless parents conscientiously take care of their juvenile, they will learn any sort of behaviours, from repeating bad language to deliberately hurting people, bar none.
why retribution should be allowed to prevent the minor from committing
activities. When children get punished, regardless of methods, they will show repentance for what they have done, realize that it was wrong of them to do so.
, it is less likely that they will relapse.
, not
anyCorrect your spelling
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kinds of torture are suitable for teaching youngsters. Some methods are shown to be extreme
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and will do more harm than good for the offspring.
, corporal
, a
method in which a supervising adult deliberately inflicts pain upon a child, can leave both severe physical and psychological wounds on them. Hitting them with a whip, to a lesser extent, will leave a temporary mark on the minor. If worse, it can damage their internal organs, affect their health as well as their life.
, kids who suffer a lot from corporal
are to develop post-traumatic stress disorder. To put it simply, their mental state will be unstable, and every time the child is about to be punished, they will express fear and distress.
, it is advisable to use corporal
as a way to help them learn the difference between right and wrong.
, parents and guardians should use verbal
whenever the kids behave badly. Reprimand them for their actions, threaten them not to play anymore, or even ground them are some effective approaches to
In conclusion, it is essential for babies to learn the distinction between good and bad, right and wrong, and using
is a great way to help them acquire
skills. Despite that, we should know how to punish the offspring correctly as unwanted consequences may befall them. In my opinion, words are the appropriate way to
the youth, not a slap nor a whip.