Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programs (for example working for a charity, improving the neighborhood or teaching sports to younger children). To what extent do you agree or disagree?

I believe that serving society should be a part of the school curriculum and in fact, that should be without any stipend.
essay will look at, how it will give them the essence of feelings that how blessed they are and I will explain how it creates a sense of responsibility at a very early age.
, Since we are living in a society, where people do not generally show gratitude especially the youngsters. If we look around there are plenty of things that we don't recognize as our blessings. If educational ministry makes it mandatory for students in institutes to participates in social activities that will help to craft the personality of the youth. In fact, when they visit an orphanage place they can realise how difficult it is to live without parents, and how privileged they are. Due to ,
they will respect more to their parents.
In addition
, they will stop complaining about tiny issues. To illustrate, recently I visited a school of poor students with my wife and 6-year-old son. He was heartbreaking, and he promised me that will never complain about useless things.
, While they involve in charity or social work, it will help to train them to accept responsibility in teenage. Like if we give them the authority to collect donations, and feed needy people. It will craft in them the qualities of finance, communication and convincing power.
, they should
be given the time frame within that they should finish the task, which will help them to learn time management. In fact, it will
inculcate the zeal in them to become an entrepreneur and be responsible citizens of society by doing charity when they have grown up.
For example
, there is a group of 25 children,
Correct pronoun usage
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themself makes soft toys and sell them on street to generate money to help poor people. To conclude, because of qualities of thanking God in every situation and keenness to do for others, will help to make young buddies nice human beings and good citizens.
Submitted by ca.zubairkhan on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • compulsory
  • unpaid community service
  • charity
  • neighborhood improvement
  • teaching sports
  • empathy
  • social justice
  • transferable skills
  • teamwork
  • leadership
  • problem-solving
  • civic duty
  • civic engagement
  • educational enhancement
  • practical experiences
  • academic learning
  • real-world applications
  • social cohesion
  • mutual support
  • time management
  • balancing priorities
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