car ownership has increased so rapidly over the past thirty years that many cities in the world are now 'one big traffic jam'. how to do you think this statement is? what measures can government take to discourage people from using their cars?

As a repercussion of overpopulation and due to reaching the infrastructure's capacity for
, many cities have become one giant traffic jam. In my opinion, there are still some measures governments can take to reverse
phenomenon. On the one hand, taxation revision could be extremely helpful for solving
conundrum. Since most citizens prefer using their own transportation vehicles, the governments have provided them with
, by acknowledging the fact a reduction in the number of
is vital, they could increase the taxation rates on the personal usage of
As a result
, not only the treasury would increase in value but
, most folk in order to evade paying extra money would start using other means of transportation
, the number of
would decline.
For instance
, UK has significantly fewer
compared to the USA which is a direct result of intense car and parking taxes.
On the other hand
, changing promoted role models could highly impact the final results. People tend to copy the behaviour of their idols and using
is no exception.
, in cities where the majority of movie characters, politicians and celebrities tend to use their own vehicles, more people are likely to follow
trend. Cities in the USA are great exemplars whereas
in contrast
most European ones. To conclude, the over usage of
is an unneglectable issue that can affect our lives.
, we can follow certain plans to solve it which require the support of governments.In my opinion, acts like taxation increase and public transport usage promotion, are examples of which that could highly improve the situation.
Submitted by armin.oveisi on

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I really want to study but I’m too tired.

I wore a warm coat because the weather was cold.

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