Nowadays many people have access to computers on a wide basis and a large number of children play computer games. What are the negative impacts of children playing computer games and what can be done to minimize the bad effects?

In the era of technology, the usage and availability of computers have been changed at an unprecedented rate. The computer has become significantly important to the masses
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since it certainly helps in various aspects to the working people.
, children are
using computers for their recreation on a large scale, they play digital games on computers. There are several effects that occur on children due to the over usage of the system, which will be discussed in
essay with some solutions to mitigate their impact.
To begin
with, it is widely accepted that overusing computer systems may detriment the health of the user.
,if a child adopts a lifestyle where he is sitting monotonously in front of the system for hours
can increase the change of obesity.
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impacts eyesight adversely, it may cause eye fatigue.
physical health, overindulgence in screen time would damage social life. The digital games keep the child indoors, due to
user certainly not being able to maintain his relations with other people.
, there are several appropriate solutions through which
issue can be solved.
, the guardian should keep the time limit for the kid to use the computer.
, adults of the family should encourage the young generation for outdoor activities, which eventually help them in building relationships with others as well as boost up their physical health. Apart from
school authorities must conduct seminars for students to let them understand the harmful effects of overusing the systems. In the conclusion, technology becomes an imperative factor in human lives, but there should be a balance maintained. The youth should understand the importance of other factors ,
for instance
, their physical and social life and
can be achieved with the help of parents.
Submitted by rukhsar.syed91 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • addiction
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • obesity
  • eye strain
  • inappropriate content
  • social skills
  • isolation
  • academic performance
  • time limits
  • parental supervision
  • age-appropriate
  • physical activities
  • digital literacy
  • balanced computer usage
  • excessive gaming
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