It is considered by many that having riches is more valuable than antiquated morals namely respect, compassion and trust. Nowadays, the affluent are the highest on the social hierarchy and usually the conditions people use to determine a person's worth. I disagree that obsolete values aren't crucial anymore due to a number of reasons. They are very much important in our daily life.
, celebrities presently are being worshipped and followed for their lavish lifestyles and material properties. The public believes attaining their favourites level of wealth is the key to enjoying life. Linking Words
, popularity and being financially stable often doesn't allow any friends or extended families Linking Words
as a result
of privacy and to avoid crime against them. Linking Words
For instance
, most prominent figures end up taking drugs and alcohol to deal with loneliness and the pressure that comes with owning a lot of money. Linking Words
, fame isn't always a prerequisite for happiness.
Linking Words
, ethical characters like honour or friendship passed to others is very essential for the growth and development of society. Individuals that possess these features and practice them towards other folks Linking Words
creates a positive, mental and physical changes by lowering stress level. Linking Words
For example
, being kind strengthens relationships between workers of a certain office. Linking Words
, it makes others remember good deeds done to them, Linking Words
sharing Linking Words
with somebody else to better their life.
In conclusion, good ethics is required for the positivity and productivity of human beings in general. Linking Words
, outdated values should be the main method to judge excellence.Linking Words