some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of different cultures and ages together to what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion

It is claimed that a variety of nationalities as well as, all generations can be got together with the aid of
. I disagree with
opinion to a certain degree because I believe that it is possible in a few cases and people have various tastes in
. On one hand,
is the language of human's emotions.
, it is possible to bring a huge number of people together, no matter how old they are or where they are from, listening to one specific kind of
For example
, there are a number of live concerts on YouTube channel every night, where we can see European, African and American teenagers, along with Asian adults, who are online and are relishing the same
On the other hand
, most individuals are extremely picky when it comes to
To begin
with, in some areas, residents have definite tastes in songs and are not into some kind of international ones at all. To
illustrate, Pakistan's inhabitants are completely fascinated with their folk
and prefer it to any other kinds of well-known ones, like opera.
, in today's world, it is quite hard for seniors to listen to the same tune as the young generation because the predominant number of youngsters love jazz and rock rhythms.
For instance
, a recent survey has revealed that 85% of parents who had children in their teens and twenties, were inconvenient with the genre of
that their kids used to listen to and
they told that it make them feel a headache. That's why it is hard to put people of different ages and backgrounds together to enjoy the same
. In conclusion,
on some special occasions, an overwhelming majority of the world's inhabitants may relish a unique type of song, it is not straightforward to produce
a song, which is appealing to everyone. Individuals, according to their ages and cultures, choose their styles which are not like others most of the time.
Submitted by dastyar.zahra on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • universal language
  • evoke
  • connect
  • diverse audiences
  • cultural exchange
  • generational gaps
  • shared experiences
  • unifying force
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