The degradation of the biosphere, which has pushed several species to the brink of extinction, has become a major concern for the international community.
, there remains a heated debate of whether the protective measure should be applied to all wild animals or only to some of them. Linking Words
essay will discuss both views, before reaching the conclusion of my take that we should conserve all animals without discrimination.
On one hand, those who hold the view of partial conservations have concerns regarding human limited capability. Linking Words
For instance
, dozens of new species are being discovered every single day all over the world, not to mention a lot more which has not been identified yet. Linking Words
, the effort to protect all members of the animal kingdom is nothing but futile. Linking Words
In addition
, some species have been walking on earth longer than humans, though some of them became extinct yet others have managed to survive. Linking Words
In other words
, extinction is part of a natural cycle, and we should concentrate our effort on those most affected by human actions.
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On the other hand
, the presence of various creatures is a good measure of the condition of the environment, Linking Words
, they all have an important role in the natural processes. Linking Words
For example
, scientists have released a finding that should all bees go extinct, the earth will no longer be habitable. Linking Words
, animals are Linking Words
the major source of inspiration for scientists, from the discoveries of antibiotics to the emergence of sonar imaging technology, to name a few.
To conclude, though extinction is part of the natural cycle, the conservation of nature is crucial for the sustainability of our habitat, as well as our scientific advancement. Linking Words
concerted effort should be made available from all countries to tackle the common issue of degradation of the biosphere, which eventually will help to bring back the balance of nature.Linking Words