In recent years, with the development of new technologies, most
tend to purchase more appliances. At the same
, there is some uncertainty about the merits and demerits of
situation. In
essay, I will review both sides of the debate to seek a conclusion.
with, there is undeniable that modern household appliances gradually become
theCorrect article usage
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indispensable part of
the Correct article usage
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, since
itCorrect pronoun usage
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can improve and enrich
, TV programs with the internet provide varieties of programs which break the limit of
and space, highly expanding
's horizons and
boostWrong verb form
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peoples' mantle health as well.
, the
involved in technological devices would be
-saving as to the microwave ovens, which significantly reduced the cooking
and helped
releasedWrong verb form
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from the repetitive daily chores. In
can have some spare
to do more meaningful stuff
as being voluntary, doing some researches.
, the money
spend on innovation devices is valuable since modern
could offer more job opportunities and accelerate economic development.
, some
are probably over-consumed due to the fact that there
isChange the verb form
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all-around advertisements
whichCorrect pronoun usage
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might mislead consumption and
the Correct article usage
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irrational consumption can result in a large amount
socialChange preposition
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as resource wasting and environmental pollution.
, over depending on new
may make
less thinking, just pressing a button to achieve the goal, affecting
's ability to explore simultaneously.
, using domestic
reduces precious family
to some extent since
focus more on efficiency while ignoring spending
together to do some housework, which can be harmful to maintaining the family's relationship.
To summarize, there is no doubt that the whole world benefits from
goods which convenience
and provides jobs, thereby improving the standard of living. At the same
, the penetration of high-tech in
may affect
's consumption view, leading to recourse wasting and environmental issues. In the final analysis,
, one can only conclude that it is the main trend to live with
. Meanwhile,
should consume rationally based on what they do need.