The circus of
hunger has always been a focal issue of every individual.No doubt,the uncountable research in
technology,trillions of people go to sleep without having
.I will bring the starvation issue to the table along with the possible solutions to it.
Starting with the main header The Economical matter one should not forget the low MRP policies of the government.The agricultural sector provides a low budget to the farmer's facilities that make them unequipped farming.they face issues like drought bad pesticides and lack of space for storage
,Remove the comma
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leadsCorrect pronoun usage
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them to less
enriched Wrong verb form
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the platter of rich people.
,Take an example of social factor, the high priced meal discourage the poor to
filledChange the form of the verb
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up a day meal only,
, The cultural ticker
triggers the starvation level .
EveryotherCorrect quantifier usage
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day ,The wastage of tons of
, being thrown in the dustbin if the community take responsibility and ownership by keeping a fridge or storage on every spot of the city, imagine how many people may get benefit out of that without harming the ego and feelings of so many citizens.
, one should not
skippedChange the verb form
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the climatic change
Africa, where thousands of African remain hungry , in
world company should come up with helping hands and send meals so that their daily need of hunger be fulfilled.
, Internationa bodies should come up with solutions to regulate the
chain to control the shortage of eatables effectively. we can
start up with our homes by providing
left overCorrect your spelling
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to the underprivileged ones.
, the same methodology may follow by small and big restaurants.Government should take constructive efforts to villages and underprivileged lands ,so that they may grow crops that can fulfil their families by stalking
prior to selling to landlords and buyers
charge them on concessional rates.
, We should work on inflation
that each and every individual May have the buying power to buy and fill their kitchens.
it's a long and debatable topic , the possibilities to curb the issue is vast. We just need to work on it by attending and taking it seriously .I wonder,if only able to control the aforementioned parameters there will not be a day left when anyone would sleep without having