Globalization is positive for economies but its negative sides should not be ignored. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The benefits of globalization are numerous when talking about technology and the economy,
, people ought to give some attention to its drawbacks when talking about cultural habits, and traditions. As far as I am concerned,
is completely true and I will discuss each of the two points of view thoroughly in
essay. On the one hand, globalization helps companies to infinitely grow in the market.
In other words
, It allows international firms to open new branches all over the world. Not only that but
, it can help stakeholders to benefit from the different labour prices throughout the world.
For instance
, a company like Vodafone has branches all over the United Kingdom and Egypt. When Vodafone decides to open a customer service centre, they definitely choose to open it in Egypt even if it will serve UK customers. Because in Egypt the hourly rate of customer service representatives is almost half the hourly rate of the UK employee. Which in turn benefits the company.
On the other hand
, social media platforms participated in an immense amount of issues for the new generations. To put it simpler, nowadays most adolescents carry a smartphone and they use it to check TikTok, youtube, Instagram, and Facebook. These websites drive them to see and get exposed to other cultures, and social classes that they should avoid at
age in order not to get depressed.
For instance
, If a fourteen years old boy saw on social media that it is normal for boys at his age to have a girlfriend, and most of the students around the world do have girlfriends at
age. He will feel lonely and might get depressed.
, If he only deals with his colleagues which are from the same culture and same background in school,
will not happen. To conclude, despite the financial benefits of globalization, it is clear that it has some drawbacks when used in the wrong way.
, it should be monitored carefully especially by parents.
Submitted by bayoumy on

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