These days, there are multiple choices of industrial meals and drink
as fast food , cola and cookies which contain a high percentage of sugar . The consumption of these products may lead to several health issues . Some people argue that government should make the prices of these products higher in order to demotivate consumers to eat carbohydrates. In my opinion , I completely disagree with Linking Words
view and believe that there are other effective approaches to solve Linking Words
problem .
On the one hand , the rapid lifestyle push individuals to consume all kinds of fast feed , which have high levels of carbohydrates . Linking Words
As a result
, the excessive consumption of these products can lead to diverse health problems . Linking Words
For example
, sugar has been already proven that remain the root cause of obesity and high blood pressure . Linking Words
, if the bill of sweety feed becomes higher , consumers will be discouraged to consume Linking Words
feed, and Linking Words
Linking Words
that is
will be good for their well-being . With time , some persons still purchase these meals despite their expensive bills.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, high consumption of sweety food is only a small part of the problem. The main issue is that some people have unhealthy attitudes toward feed . An example of Linking Words
is there are some individuals who still cook with a high quantity of glucose at their homes. Even if fast food or drink which have a high level of glucose could become more expensive but they can eat it at home, they would, most likely, still have the same probability to get some well-being troubles .
In conclusion , despite that making the prices of feed and drink that contain a high quantity of carbohydrates can demotivate people to consume it in some cases , Linking Words
method remains not effective enough to solve the problem because they can cook with sugar at their home and they still have the chances to get some diseases .Linking Words