Each country progresses at its own pace.
, many speculate that acquiring new minds in various fields of science might add up to the development of a country. Linking Words
, the government is contemplating Linking Words
prodigiously funding subjects like physics and chemistry.
Change preposition
To begin
with, I completely disagree with the provided statement. The reason being, an unpredictable outcome of having Linking Words
pressure on young people. Whilst allocating more money to the exclusive classes is a thought with a good intention, it is clear that Linking Words
, students are going to be reminded about a budget Linking Words
that is
issued for them. At some point, they might be pressured not only by the school staff but Linking Words
by their guardians. Parents are going to be forcing their children to take tuition Linking Words
that is
demanded by the government. Linking Words
As a result
, Linking Words
will put higher expectations on the youth, from which they might struggle with their mental health.
Linking Words
, an action like Linking Words
that is
going to be looked at as discrimination towards contrasting classes, which may be the origin of people's frustration. Linking Words
For example
, a young impressionable mind, when he will notice Linking Words
treatment, might automatically assume, that a class he is taking is not worth his time and is not important. Linking Words
, adolescents subconsciously will terminate their attendance at classes they deeply enjoy. Linking Words
, authenticity will disappear. Linking Words
, countries might have an issue with the insufficiency of their youthful workers with true dreams and determination.
To sum up, Linking Words
action will most likely cause consequences, which will not result in countries faster developing. Linking Words
In addition
, young people will be under an abrupt amount of stress and will stop following their dreams.Linking Words