Environmentalists argue that more funds should be invested in protection of threatened plant and animal groups, while other folks think that by doing so, governements loses money that would be used for more important sectors. In my opinion, I strongly agree with the former and believe that these endangered creatures can boost the economy through tourism.
Firstly, continuity of life is essential for the maintainance of the natural echo-system to remain in balance. In otherwords, all creatures live in inter-dependence on one another and elimination of one could lead to the downfall of the others. For instance, many bird species have become extinct as they died away to startvation as a result of uncontrolled fishing that leaves the lakes devoid of fish. Therefore by increasing funding, laws and regulations can be enforced to stop such harmful practices, additionally, money can be used to set up gazzeted areas where these animals can be bred and protected from porchers, hence ensuring smooth continuity of life for all living things.
Secondly, man-made sites that have been set up to confine these beasts have contributed to the boost of the country's economy by attracting tourists. Game reserves and bird sanctuaries attract large numbers of locals as well as foreigners who come in to enjoy the vast variety of game that is not available in their home countries. The wildlife Education center for example, is one of the largest tourist destinations in Uganda attracting people from different parts of the world.Here, they get to see lions, elephants and many more wild animals. Since entrance to the site requires one to pay a fee of about 10 dollars per head, alot of income has been generated and infact used to develop other branches.
To conclude, while acknowledging the importance of all departments, I believe that expenditure on securing the threatened species should be increased to prevent extinction and to promote tourism.