It is often said that governments spend too much mo ey on projects to protect wildlife, while there are other problems. That are more important? Do you agree or disagree?

Many countries allocate large budgets for reserve flora and fauna,
there are some people who disagree, I strongly agree that
protection is necessary and I will explain more details in the following paragraphs. On the one hand protection of wild animals and plants by authorities is important due to the crucial role of every single part of it on the ecosystem.Without balanced and healthy
there will be several consequences for humankind, and to maintain a healthy ecological balance on
earth, all living creatures should be protected. 
For example
, If a single species would become extinct, the whole food chain is disrupted and it can affect humans on the top of
chain. On the other ,hand
there are several problems that need to be addressed, protecting
is necessary to solve a lot of man_made problems.The major factor that can repair the human effect on the planet is
. Humankind activities have led to some phenomena
as climate change and  global warming, and the only major factor which can negate the consequences is
. For ,instance the huge amount of emitted carbon dioxide never would be disappeared unless  with photosynthesis in the forest.
we have to protect
for ourselves,
for neglecting our impact on the planet a d finely the moral aspect of maintaining wild animals and plants is undeniable. In conclusion,
there are some who believe spending a huge amount of money to protect
is unnecessary, and it is better to spend
money on other issues. Doe to some important  reason I think
protection is important and should be continued
Submitted by cena.m.89 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • biodiversity
  • conservation
  • eco-tourism
  • interconnected issues
  • misallocation of resources
  • intrinsically valuable
  • sustainable development
  • biodiversity hotspot
  • environmental stewardship
  • habitat preservation
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