In the past, most people used to travel to their place of work. With increased use of computers, the internet and smart phones, more and more people are starting to work from home. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?

now work from home due to the advanced development of technologies like computers, the internet, and smartphones,
, back in the day, that
do travel to their workplace. Though,
working from their houses tend to reduce the amount of money or cost spent a month, and
the risk of travelling every year to work,
, there is still a drawback in
's social lives. In my opinion, achieving work-related targets from their houses with minimal resources spent on countless occasions is more beneficial even when one's social life will deplete. The main advantage is most persons prefer working from where they live since the era of computers, the internet, and smartphones were put in place, which was not like
in those days.
, there is a reduction of charges spent on a daily basis including transportation fare, feeding and other miscellaneous.
For instance
, during the pandemic, when there was a one-month lockdown, my company staff worked from their shelter and l realized that the cost of transport l spent every day multiplied by 24 working days a month was one-
of my income, which I didn't notice until that period.
On the other hand
, there are drawbacks to most
's social life handling their job from where they reside. Eventually,
stop going out to meet with friends or even activities, making them more reserved and becoming antisocial towards crowds.
For example
, during
pandemic lockdown, my cousin, who used to be very outgoing, hardly converses in small family gatherings that it is almost as if he is frightened whenever there are more than 3 adults in a room. Well,
happens in rare cases, it still can't be overlooked.
, some adults will rather do their job from their apartments using technological gadgets than leave their residents. I believe
will make more impact on
's expenses and wellbeing irrespective of the drawbacks on their lifestyle.
Submitted by pomellarr on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • telecommuting
  • virtual collaboration
  • work-life balance
  • productivity
  • flexibility
  • commuting
  • isolation
  • disconnect
  • coordination
  • boundaries
  • distractions
  • remote work
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