Some people think that the best way to reduce time spent traveling to work is to replace parks and gardens close to the city center with apartment buildings for commuters, but others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Nowadays, more people live far from their workplace and need to spend hours commuting to the office every day due to the limited residence in the
. While some society thinks that it would be best if the public green areas in the centre of the
are replaced with apartments, some disagree with
notion. Both opinions have valid reasons which I will elaborate on in the following paragraphs.
To begin
with, the existence of several public gardens near the business district makes it hard for the apartment to build.
, most people would choose to live in urban areas which results in costly and timely commute.
, on a daily basis, there are not many activities held in a public park, which brings an urgency that it is better to transform the area into a residents’ habitation area. To illustrate, in Jakarta Indonesia, there are more than four public gardens surrounding the business district that will not be utilized unless during weekends or national holidays. As consequence, more than half of workers in Jakarta spend on average two hours to get into the office.
On the other hand
, public
as green areas facilitating people to refresh during break time or holidays,
for instance
in Bandung Indonesia become the famous recreational place for everyone who might not be able to go far for refreshing.
, the existence of a public garden in the centre of the
helps reduce pollution and emission coming from a bunch of vehicles during rush hour,
for example
, one of the biggest cities called Surabaya experienced a decrease in emissions during the past five years since more
are built near the skyscraper office. By way of conclusion, I believe that the benefits from having public
in the centre of the
are more than its drawbacks,
, the existence of a garden should be preserved. The government on the other side needs to improve the public transportation system,
, commuters will not spend hours arriving at their workplaces.
Submitted by cahyani.a.dewi on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • commuters
  • urban areas
  • housing availability
  • alleviating housing crises
  • public transport
  • traffic congestion
  • environmental health
  • biodiversity
  • recreational
  • mental health benefits
  • urban heat islands
  • green lungs
  • community interaction
  • cohesion
  • innovative urban planning
  • multi-use buildings
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