Some people regard the video games as harmless fun, or even as a useful educational tool. Others, however, believe that videos games are having an adverse effect on the people who play them. In your opinion, do the drawbacks of video games outweigh the benefits? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Several individuals think that live gaming from videos is pleasurable and educative whereas the other view is that it causes negative externalities on gamers. In my perspective, the disadvantages,
as their distractive influence and waste of money outclass the advantages like their educational benefits.
essay will expand on my viewpoint.
, televised games are causes those who play them to shift focus away from other important things.
is because of the addictive nature of the sport which coerces people to remain glued to their screens for elongated periods. A study in the United States of America,
for example
, claimed in 2020 that 90 per cent involved in gaming activities found it hard to concentrate on their work, school and family.
, playing these moving pictorial gaming wastes unnecessary money as new versions are released yearly and many players upgrade since they want to stay abreast with the recent developments.
,still, others even compete online
using up resources on internet data.
For instance
, I found it weird that a majority of my friends at junior school always used up their pocket monies just to get the latest game.
On the contrary
, education can be singled out as one of the few positives to accrue from participating in these activities. The participants can build up their cognitive, analytical, and other skills through their acts. To exemplify
, it was reported in a recent psychological study by a prominent professor that several informants in his research had good grades in mathematics and history due to their exposure to video games. In conclusion, while video games may be a good source of gaining knowledge and improving cognition and analysis aptitude as outlined in the essay, I argue that the pros do not outweigh the cons
as addiction and monetary waste.

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