Dear John
Hope you are doing well.I'
writing Use synonyms
letter to inform you that I'Linking Words
leaving for India tomorrow morning.I know that it is an abrupt decision especially as the appraisal for the yearly bonus will be held soon at the company's headquarters.I'Use synonyms
really sorry for not meeting you all before leaving.
Unfortunately,I have to rush back home as my grandmother is sick and hospitalised for breathlessness.You know that I'Use synonyms
very close to her as she is the one who bought me and I have always stayed with her before coming to the USA.She is missing me and has requested me to come back to see her.I will not be joining back Use synonyms
branch again as the company will find a replacement for my position to finish the backlog work.
I had a lovely time with you all in the company.I can never forget those initial days when I was finding it hard to settle and adjust to the climate, and food.Linking Words
,it was all thanks to you that I was able to overcome homesickness.I doubt I can find Linking Words
a pleasant working atmosphere in my hometown.I will always miss you and hope that you can give me an opportunity to host you when you visit India.
Take care and keep in touch.
Your loving friend.
Rehana BegumLinking Words