Nowadays people are having more fast food. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

These days, the tendency of consumption of junk foodstuff has tremendously increased. Now people prefer ready to eat bread rather than having homemade food.
, It is quite convenient it has a plethora of detrimental effects on human
. In
essay, I shall discuss the negative aspects of the consumption of fast food on
and money in a person's life.
To begin
with, consuming ready-made, canned eatables can lead to a hike in the prevalence of non-communicable diseases like diabetes, hypertension, cardiac ailments and many more.
can have a detrimental impact on individuals who prefer fast foods on daily basis.
For instance
, a teenager who has a habit of over-indulgence in convenience cuisine are more prone to
kind of chronic disease.
, taking
eatables will cause
problems that can be fatal too.
In addition
to it, consuming fast food, in the long run, leads to wastage of money and unwanted expenditure.
can have a downward effect on an individual's economic well-being. To illustrate, a man who often eats outside, spend a huge share of his income on a fast snack.
, having fast foods on regular basis can cause a monetary burden on an individual's economic conditions. To conclude, it is evident that junk cuisine has effects that are detrimental for
it leads to monetary issues for a person.
, it will have an overall bad effect on both society and the individual.
, I strongly believe that usage of ready-made meals is harmful to society.
Submitted by kk1710015 on

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