Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes (for example, working for charity, improving the neighborhood, or teaching sports to the younger). To what extent do you agree or disagree?

All over the world, there are numerous people who live in deprivation, so there is little doubt that we can support all of them.
, some opine that we just should try to help the poor who live in their community or nation. From my deep perspective, I would say that both concepts have their own points through several reasons mentioned in the following paragraphs.
To begin
with, the idea of just helping out the ones in their own region has some certain benefits.
, the government can make full use of the budget for society purposes since there is no need to share with other areas.
, with a limited quantity of
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underprivileged individuals, it seems that no one would be left behind and they could even be provided with better support.
For example
, they would not only receive the farewell money but
be offered a conventional course so as to be financed independently.
, I deem that supporting our own community should be the priority. In fact, other developed nations have developed extremely rapidly so it is necessary to concentrate on our country and citizens to keep up with the others. On the flip side, there is an obvious issue that in some regions, a majority of people there are all struggling in poverty. South Africa seems to be a typical instance of
case, people there lack the ability to feed themselves adequately so how a community like
is supposed to fight against the deprivation on their own. So we need to join hands to support them,
they could gradually ameliorate their country's condition
that would contribute to the world growth in terms of economy, which the supporters could be benefited from. In conclusion, it seems to me that either
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mentioned opinions are reasonable and worth considering.
Submitted by jakedth162 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • civic duty
  • volunteering
  • teamwork
  • interpersonal skills
  • burdensome
  • practical experience
  • societal issues
  • altruism
  • coerced activity
  • initiatives
  • resume
  • exposure
  • community service
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