Human activity has had a negative impact on plants and animals around the world. Some people say that it is too late to do something while others think that actions can be taken to improve the situation. Discuss both sides of the view and give your opinion.

Humanity causes dreadful changes in the flora and fauna of our planet in many ways. While some individuals insist that these transformations are irreversible, I strongly support the idea that several measures can be taken to solve the problem, since modern society has been becoming more and more conscious of environmental problems. On the one hand, the growth of mankind leads to the development of new towns and cities.
construction is being done by cutting the forests and killing the beasts.If it hadn’t been for humans, loss of biodiversity and deforestation would not have existed.
For instance
, in 2020 Ukraine lost more than 70 Kha of natural forest and it still has not been renewed and
shows the depth of the bad influence caused by humans.
, It is believed by some ecologists that If we lose large portions of the natural world, human quality of life will be severely reduced and the lives of future generations will be threatened unless effective action is taken.
On the other hand
, the modern generation is more aware of climate change and wildlife issues because of the increasing trend for ecology.
, they are urging everyone to follow various “eco life” regulations
as favouring faux fur, shopping
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movement already has a very tangible effect to save a large number of sensitive creatures and to reduce cutting down wood areas.
, electric vehicles are becoming more widespread. Switching to plug-in electric vehicles, we still end up ahead in diminishing deforestation. To conclude, I definitely maintain that all individuals by themselves can do several things to stop the human activity that has damaging effects on our planet. Switching to eco-friendly goods and using electric transportation are the actions that can be taken.
Submitted by sofiaomell on

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