Some people think that schools should select students according to their academic abilities, while others believe that it is better to have students with different abilities studying together. Discuss both views and state your own opinion.

Schooling has always been s
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concern to parents. While there are people presuming that schools should only accept those whose aptitudes are in line with their particular majors, others assume that the mixture of students regardless of their capabilities is more ideal. From my own perspective, I find myself approve with the latter. On the one hand, allowing students to e
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suit their competence means giving them opportunities to explore themselves to the maximum limit.
is due to the principle of concentration. The more you are focused on something, the higher chance that you are more proficient at it.
For instance
, if a boy is particularly fond of science, sending him to a school which centres on
field will enable him to sharpen his ability
. He is encouraged to carry out experiments, to figure out the possible solutions to any derived problems, and to devote himself to his greatest passion. Because of the specific specialization, other irrelevant distractions will be minimised.
boy is likely to reach his peak in the area he is interested in.
On the other hand
, it cannot be denied that real-world skills play a crucial role in daily life. In fact, an individual can hardly survive without these foundations. The diversification of learners will facilitate their instinct of adaptions, which trains them to be more flexible and insightful when tackling the incidents that may happen.
For example
, a mathematic genius masters numbers,
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, might find difficulty in connecting with people around him. Blending himself in the environment of other distinctive talents enables him to develop both soft and practical skills. In
way, he can still purchase his proficiency, and improve his capabilities of communication and connect with others at the same time. After all, it is never unnecessary to learn from friends around you. In conclusion, whether to let children register in schools specializing in their competence or in p
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that accept a mixture of learners is controversial.
, I believe that the
option seems to be more rational because it offers more comprehensive development in every aspect of children.
Submitted by Andy on

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