Some people say that the only way to get success is to go to university. Others say that it depends on other factors. What is your opinion?

There are controversial perspectives heating a debate the fact that how to attain high achievements. While some hold a strong view that the only tactic to achieve success is accessible to a reputed
, the opposite makes a statement that it relies on alternative elements. I would contend that while each has its own redeeming features, it is optimal to combine both mentioned statements Without a shadow of a doubt getting access to
brings an immense influence on a person’s achievement.
, it is not the sole determinant. In
day and age, people have inhabited a knowledge-based society.
In other words
, the more insight they absorb, the more recognition they achieve. When students connect to school, they can digest valuable theoretical insights to be well-prepared for their future line of careers.
In addition
, they are capable of establishing their considerable knowledge foundation.
, numerous reputed corporations consider a degree a prerequisite to have job security with a handsome salary range. Provided that you own a wide range of perfect bachelor degrees, you will land a more plum vocation.
For example
, one of the most notorious multinational corporations in the technology-Google requires their candidates must have a high-quality degree.
, your bright line of work attributes you to
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to a prestigious
. While the redeeming features of getting access to university are widely acknowledged, it is unfair if these other factors are ignored. The setting of interpersonal dexterity plays a critical role in advancing their ability.
For instance
, communication dexter can be cited as outstanding artistry. If budding job-holders hones
artistry to mastery, they can express precisely their perspectives to avoid undesirable misunderstandings among co-workers or upper-managers.
schooling, an electric mix of elements puts a premium on the achievements of humans. To sum up, it is clear that getting access to
combined with various elements are taken into account in their success.
, the best method is to combine all mentioned factors.
Submitted by hominhtrang995 on

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