international tourism has brought enormous benefit to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages?

Connoisseurs throughout the earth have debated whether the benefits of worldwide travel outweigh its pitfalls or not. I believe that the drawbacks do not outweigh the boons since it is the source of revenues for a wide variety of nations.
it has its disadvantages,
Correct your spelling
this this
essay will shed light on both sides of the matter and provide evidence to prove the arguments. On the one hand, international touristry is a source of countries' incomes.
In other words
, many nations survive through it. The touristry industry contributed 10-15% of PIB for 32 European, African, and American countries in the
five years, facts confirmed by the UN overhaul made recently,
for instance
As a result
, individuals' social life enhanced, and their economies have grown up.
, a significant number of the world-ruling power are creating natural beauty spots to rise tourism attraction in their lands.
On the other hand
, the travelling industry brings human traffic. Because of its straightforwardness to connect people around the world, a myriad of tourists deceives local citizens promising them employment and a high standard of life.
For example
, the recent investigation by UNICEF showcased that one in ten commuters throughout the world were involved in children traffic.
, the local communities saw travellers as deceivers.
, it is the overriding reason for police criminal records internationally. In conclusion, notwithstanding its downsides, international touristry is the future of the earth folk.
I still believe that its benefits outweigh the disadvantages. I recommend world authorities soar the number of tourism facilities for sake of their economic growth.
Submitted by ashishsuresh07 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • enormous benefit
  • impact
  • local inhabitants
  • environment
  • disadvantages
  • outweigh
  • advantages
  • economic benefits
  • job creation
  • cultural exchange
  • infrastructure development
  • promotion
  • local products
  • environmental impact
  • exploitation
  • resources
  • cultural erosion
  • increased cost of living
  • overcrowding
  • congestion
  • balancing
  • benefits
  • disadvantages
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