It's generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for music and sport, and others are not. However, it's sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician. Discuss both ideas by giving your opinion.

People have various opinions in regards to having specific aptitude . some argue that it can be acquired through
, While others believe
that is
something that individuals are born with. In
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will be discussing both views and why
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think that talent is something learned not only innate.
To begin
with, Imagination and creativity are inborn qualities, begin naturally gifted give people a head start in
. For ,example J.K Rowling created the captivated Harry Potter or Steve Jobs mastermind the enormous corporation
that is
, child prodigies
as Mozart who was able to compose music from the age of 5 years old. All of
that is
indeed evidence that talent is something innate not acquired.
, It is well known that all children have the ability to master anything if they are given appropriate teaching and wise guidance. A recent study that was conducted in the U.K showed that children from age 2 to 7 can acquire any skill if they are surrounded by the right tools and environment.
, there are plenty of examples of very talented people that are lazy and do not achieve anything in
, giftedness is not a guarantee for success later in
. though no one can rule out the role of natural talents. A person can be born with good voice tone and quality but he or she cannot achieve harmony, scale and rhythm without learning. talent requires encouragement and teaching. Consistency and hard work can
make anyone perfect. In conclusion, I completely agree with the idea that any child can excel when he gets enough encouragement, guideline, opportunity and a proper environment.
Submitted by ph.amal.just on

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