smoking can cause serious illness and should be made illegal. To what extend do you agree?

Smoking is the most common addiction in our world. Some people smoke cigars while others resort to cigarettes. Basically, consuming nicotine in any form is extremely injurious to health.
puts a lot of strain on the health infrastructure in any country.
, in my opinion, it should be banned by all governments across the globe. The major content of a cigarette or cigar is nicotine.
gets deposited in our lungs and is responsible for causing the worst respiratory illnesses.
, smoking is the most important risk factor in the natural history of many cancers. The common examples are lung, larynx and gastric cancers.
, early occurrence of non-communicable diseases like strokes, heart attacks and hypertension can be attributed to
, the price of hospitalization due to the above-mentioned illnesses has to be borne by either the state or the person's immediate family.
For instance
, the cost of one cycle of chemotherapy needed to treat a patient with lung cancer may go up to one lakh Indian rupees. Eventually, financial strain increases due to the treatment protocols which may include medicines, radiation or surgery.
, smokers can put other people at risk because of the hazards of inhalation of passive smoke. To sum up, I strongly believe that
addiction harms the smoker himself as well as the surroundings.
, governments should pass laws in order to regularise the use of
nicotine-based substances.
, wherever possible, it should be declared illegal. It is really important for the legislators to create awareness and start support groups that will help the people who have fallen prey to
Submitted by shriya.deshpande on

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