The car has been a primary transportation method for the 21st century because of the increasing demand for timely manner and convenience which support the busy lifestyle of city living.
, some environmental effects are expected due to the high production of CO2 from the energy conducting process, Linking Words
, traffic Linking Words
becomes congested especially in the major cities. Several measures are implemented to reduce Linking Words
effects, increasing petrol's cost is one of them. There is an argument about whether it is a good solution or not which will be discussed in the following essay.
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of all, it is undeniable that the price of petrol has a significant impact on users' choice of transportation. Linking Words
For example
, many people prefer to use subways Linking Words
of cars nowadays because it is cheaper, compared to estimated expenditures needed for car ownership. Linking Words
, it is believed to indirectly force people to seek alternative ways of Linking Words
in an attempt to minimize the number of mobiles on roads which potentially lessen environmental effects.
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On the other hand
, many argue that it is not that easy to truly limit pollution as the majority of CO2 production actually are comes from factories, the production process of petrol and etc. For illustration, the majority of people using mobiles is middle to high classes which is only a small number of the overall population. Linking Words
, over 60% of environmental damages are from industrial processes. Linking Words
As a result
, many believe that Linking Words
policy is only a political attempt to hide the true cause of the problem which is the wrongdoing of huge companies.
In conclusion, in my point of view, the sustainable solution is not controlling the price of gases but stronger law enforcement to ensure a crime against nature is considered as a crime against humanity. Evidently, Linking Words
essay disagrees with the statement. Linking Words
In addition
, self-awareness of individuals and international cooperation is essential to make the change happen.Linking Words