Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment. What can governments do to address these problems? What can individual people do?

In recent times it has been observed that humans are damaging the environment.
essay will discuss the solutions that the government can address and what individuals can do to reduce the damage.
, the government can create strict laws to abide by in order to reduce the destruction brought to our surroundings. In case if these laws are broken, strict action will be taken and the person responsible will have to face the consequences.
For example
, China created a law stating that there would be a huge if an individual was caught littering in public. The amount of waste found in china after a few weeks reduced significantly. The overall response was great.
In addition
, the authority can conduct awareness programs to draw the attention of the public to the damage done.
For instance
, in ,Canada they had a gathering of people to create plans in order to maintain minimum destruction to their community.
On the other hand
, the public can
contribute to reducing the waste present in their surroundings. Primarily, they need to stop littering in public and local places.
, they can
teach their children how to reuse and recycle their waste.
, students can create awareness about
matter through artwork and protests.
For example
, a school in Mexico made several posters to reduce wastes on earth day.
, it is the responsibility of every individual to pick up trash and throw it in the trash can if they see it. In conclusion, the government and the public should join hands to create a better surrounding for humans to live in.
would save the earth as well as humans.
Submitted by ehte477 on

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