It may seem that we have various ways to improve the brain
as imagination, linguistics,
analyticReplace the word
show examples
and so on.
, some people think that knowledge from reading is better than watching
through Change preposition
show examples
. In
essay, I absolutely disagree with
statement and I will give a sampler from my experience.
Owning the fact that technology
becomesWrong verb form
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to Change preposition
show examples
the main role
in Change preposition
show examples
these days
and Correct word choice
show examples
is one of the choices which the majority of people select to learn.
, watching from the channel can
understandWrong verb form
show examples
easier than text because of the motion picture or sound.
, we can use
the Correct article usage
show examples
samples of voice and
imageFix the agreement mistake
show examples
from broadcast series to improve
theChange the word
show examples
performantlyCorrect your spelling
show examples
, studying from a book
feelCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
boring and quitting
activity in a short time. To illustrate, when they look
inChange preposition
show examples
the book which has entire of the
Correct word choice
show examples
wordCorrect your spelling
show examples
, it is hard for intending
withChange preposition
show examples
developmentReplace the word
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skillFix the agreement mistake
show examples
On the one hand, the modern method is suitable for thinking fantasy and learning new language
skillFix the agreement mistake
show examples
the time. It is true that learners who
obtainsChange the verb form
show examples
knowledge from a screen can accomplish faster than reading from papers.
the digital lesson, it provides distinct content which focuses only on usable data.
, the broadcast lessons that intermission via
present with detail and do not show the intro so much.
, someone who is weak in reading
skillFix the agreement mistake
show examples
must waste
the Correct article usage
show examples
time more than other people.
is helpful for
group because they can listen and look at the picture
In conclusion,
the new technology and the specific feature that affects
the Correct article usage
show examples
thought processes, citizens have a more obvious advantage over the book and can improve language skills and imagination.