Some people believe that teenagers should be required to do unpaid community work in their free time. This can benefit teenagers and the community as well. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, many young adults are seen to be a sluggish generation compared to the older ones. They often display the actions of being spoiled and lazy who can only spend money to have fun. Many believe that these kids should be assigned to do voluntary social work during their extra time
of just chilling at home. In
essay, I will discuss and state my opinion regarding
To begin
with, those adults who propose
idea claim that giving opportunities to young adolescents to do voluntary jobs will benefit not only the kids themselves but
society. Parents think that training their heirs from a young age will help them to overcome social issues in the future.
For instance
, adults who are used to being involved in local society as volunteers are more sociable.
, they find it easier to get hired for a job,and
are able to contribute to building the neighbourhood.
On the other hand
, there are some disadvantages to
belief. One of the primary negative sides that might appear is youngsters consider it as a common thing. In other words, If a teenage person is forced to carry out an unpayable task, they might end up thinking that it is a common thing to do a job without getting properly appreciated with rewards.
For example
, if they are employed in a company that requires them to do extra hours without any compensation, they can only accept it as it is because it is seen as a normal thing. In conclusion, while there are convincing arguments on both ideas, I personally believe that training the young generation to get used to work by joining the local community without getting paid and get proper experience to prepare themselves for their upcoming adult lives.
Submitted by andri.saputraozz on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • required
  • unpaid
  • community work
  • benefit
  • teenagers
  • life skills
  • volunteering
  • empathy
  • compassion
  • socially aware
  • responsible
  • interact
  • diverse backgrounds
  • cultural understanding
  • tolerance
  • work experience
  • essential skills
  • employment
  • interests
  • passions
  • career development
  • contribute
  • betterment
  • development
  • local community
  • mental well-being
  • stress
  • self-esteem
  • burden
  • academic
  • personal lives
  • time management
  • support
  • balance
  • participate
  • encouraged
  • numerous benefits
  • individuals
  • conclusion
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